
Bolaji Amusan, also known as Mr Latin, the renowned comic Yoruba Nollywood actor and President of the Theatre Arts and Movies Practitioners Association of Nigeria (TAMPAN), has provided an explanation as to why the union is unable to offer assistance to certain ailing individuals within the movie industry.


In a recent interview on 32FM in Ibadan, Mr Latin revealed that TAMPAN has dedicated over N10 million towards supporting actors facing health challenges since he assumed the position of president. However, he emphasized that actors who are observed seeking financial aid through television and radio appeals are not active members of TAMPAN. Consequently, the association is unable to extend support to them.


Mr Latin added that the movie association only assists active members that are faced with health challenges.

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He said, “Since I became the President of TAMPAN, we have spent over N10million on actor’s health challenges. The ones you see going on TVor radio to beg for money are not active members of the association. We always come to the aid of all active members”.