Jide Awobona, a talented actor in Yoruba films, has uploaded images of himself with actress Dayo Amusa on Instagram, according to PraizeMedia. The well-known actor shared photos of himself and the actress on the set of a film on his Instagram page. The actor was costumed as a spirit and acted alongside the actress in the role of uncivilized rural people.
The actor wrapped himself in grass and used it as a robe, while the actress covered herself in two calabashes and used grass as a wrapper.
The purpose of publishing the photos is to inform his Instagram followers about an upcoming film project in which he and the actress would star as husband and wife. His Instagram followers were drawn to the photographs by the captions he wrote for them, and they found it difficult to ignore them as they shared their thoughts on them. “Time out with my Val,” he wrote in the caption.
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His statement is nothing but a joke as the pictures he shared are only for acting purposes.