Iyabo Ojo, a popular Nigerian Nollywood actress and Instagram celebrity, shared a new post on the world’s largest photo and video sharing network, Instagram. In the post, the actress posted some images of Rita Dominic, one of her colleagues in the film industry, who recently got engaged. The Nollywood star expressed her joy and could not hide her feelings as she publicly praised her.
Iyabo Ojo shared the post via her official Instagram account page identified as @iyaboojofedpris and she wrote: “Congratulations to the latest bride in town @ritadominic God bless your new home”.
Please take a look at the images below.
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The post in turn caught the attention of her fans who followed her up on Instagram and they seized the medium to join her to celebrate Rita Dominic under her post.
Below are some of the good wishes and congratulatory messages we came across from some of her fans on Instagram.
A particular fan that can be identified as @mamaejiro1 wrote: ” congratulations.
@mo_sworth also wrote: “She is so pretty, congratulations to her.