
Reno Omokri, a former Presidential spokesman and novelist, has disclosed why the Nigerian Naira is always collapsing against the US Dollar in a recent remark.





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Reno Omokri claimed in his remark that the Naira is collapsing against the dollar due to the country’s massive external debt.



President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration, according to Omokri, is willfully enslaving the country through borrowing.



He stated this in a recent Facebook post, claiming that the “Naira is now worth less than the Zimbabwean dollar.”




“In case you don’t know why the Naira is 575 to $1 now, and may soon become 1000 to $1, it’s because Buhari has increased our entire national debt from 12 trillion in 2015 to 35 trillion today,” the tweet continues. Things have gotten so terrible that even Pastor Adeboye has expressed concern about our debt situation.




Please look it up on the internet. Pastor Adeboye was expressing his displeasure with our debt to a buddy. Buhari, the shameless bambiala, has taken your destiny and spent it on a $2 billion railway in the Niger Republic. Wake awake and take a whiff of the coffee.




We can afford to eat here, but millions of Nigerians are going to bed hungry because their Naira can no longer buy anything concrete. The Nigerian naira is currently less valuable than the Zimbabwean dollar.




If that’s fine with you, it’s not fine with me. I’m going to battle this man every step of the way until he stops stealing our future!”