
In a recent interview with MTN’s Yello Couch, Nigerian actress Bimbo Ademoye was questioned about her relationship with her father, instances in which she mismanaged her finances, and whether or not she would ever consider a career in comedy. Below are the words of Bimbo Ademoye.


During the interview, Bimbo Ademoye was asked “We have seen on the media how great your relationship with your dad is. How much would you say your daddy’s parenting contributed to the woman you are today?” She responded:


BIMBO ADEMOYE: To the woman I am today, my dad is my reason. He’s my everything. He’s the reason I’m very hardworking. Because you know, growing up, I wasn’t born with a silver spoon. But my dad, his hustling spirit, I got that from him. My daddy likes the good things. My daddy’s mouth is wide. He likes good stuff but he’s willing to work for it, so that’s where I got my spirit of hustling from. My dad has raised me to never expect anything from anybody so if I want to get a pair of Gucci shoes, I have to work for it myself. So the hustling spirit I got from my daddy. There is one spirit my daddy has tried to put inside me, but ko work. It’s the spirit of turning the other cheek. My dad is so gentle and so calm. Like you can literally strike him across the face and he will turn the other cheek, but I will wound you. I’m sorry, this person does not support violence, but don’t test me.

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“What is one piece of item you spent money on and later felt it was a waste of funds?”

BIMBO ADEMOYE: Are you sure you want only one piece? It’s a lot! Such a lot. But yeah, would I call it a waste of funds considering it’s an investment? I got a set of gold jewelry recently, and I felt I got bamboozled because on the internet, it looked big, then they brought it to me and it looked like one tiny serpent. So I was hurt, but gold increases in value right, so I really won’t say that’s a waste of funds. So let me say…oh yeah, I got some clothes from a store recently and in my head, I thought I looked like Beyonce. As I reached home saying let me knack this thing on and show them what this body is made of, I think I ended up looking like Phyno, I’m not sure. Something, it just didn’t work. I can’t return it because I bought it when I was outside the country, so I will not enter plane to go and return blouse and shokoto. But it was painful. If you’re the owner of that store and you’re watching me, it pained me so much. Because you saw me and you let me pay that amount for it. But God knows best.

“You have an appealing sense of humor. Would you consider comedy as an alternate career choice, or is that something reserved for cameo appearances?”

BIMBO ADEMOYE: Cameo only! Never comedy. Because comedy, I don’t want to be embarrassed. It comes once in a while. What if I gather people and I say something and they don’t laugh? Who do you want to ridicule? So no thanks, I am never going to be a [live] comedian. As I give it to you, you take it and you laugh. Have a nice day.
