Jaye Kuti, a well-known Yoruba movie actress, flaunted her outing costume in a recent Instagram photo. She is someone who enjoys showcasing her attractiveness in various ensembles on social media, and this time she repeated the action by showing up in a lovely attire. Many of her followers who saw the message, including her coworker in the movie Lola Ajibola, were compelled to comment and express their opinions about her latest post.
She dressed smartly in a black gown costume that looked stunning on her, demonstrating her outstanding sense of style. Her well-applied cosmetics caught the eye because they complemented her skin tone. She showed up with a pretty hairstyle that accentuated her beauty. As she posed for the photos in various positions, she put on a pair of black boots.
She captioned her post by saying, โIf your Sunday doesnโt involve church, wine, and good food, you are doing it wrongly.โ Relax and enjoy the peacefulness of an ordinary Sunday, lovers.
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As expected, after the post surfaced online, her fans, admirers, and a plethora of social media followers quickly rushed down to the comment box section to express their reactions from different perspectives.