Ayoola Kikelomo, a well-known Yoruba film actress, has turned to Instagram to reveal a new photo of herself with actor Peter Ijagbemi. She posted a photo of herself with the popular actor on the set of a movie on her Instagram feed. Her Instagram followers couldn’t contain their excitement when they saw her image with him and couldn’t wait to comment on it.
She was dressed in a yellow gown with a brown haircut and stunning make-up. The actor was dressed in a blue ensemble with blue denim trousers. They were all smiles in the photo, and they appeared to be completely at ease with each other. The actor kissed her on the cheek, and her expressions indicate that she is at ease in his presence.
Both of them have not previously published any love-up photos of themselves together, and their Instagram followers will be curious to learn more about what is truly going on between them. The fact that the photo was taken on a movie set is evident, but the manner in which it was taken is what drew my attention.
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They would remark there was something fishy about the way they snapped the picture and how comfortable they felt around each other, but it was nothing more than a movie set thing that sometimes happen between actors on movie sets.