
In a few months, the federal government will complete preparations to sign a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Algeria to establish a direct flying path between the two nations.


Festus Keyamo, the Minister of Aviation and Aerospace Development, made this statement at his office upon welcoming a group from Algeria, which was escorted by the ambassador of Algeria to Nigeria.


Keyamo stated, “Although Nigeria has always had a Bilateral Air Service Agreement with Algeria (BASA), for decades, we haven’t been taking advantage of the agreement,” according to Odutayo Oluseyi, chief of press for the ministry. Actually, the routes between Algiers and Lagos are specified in that agreement.

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He explained that in recent weeks an Algerian delegation traveled to Nigeria in order to reopen the BASA route between Algiers and Lagos, which has been neglected over the years.

He erklärte, dass sie heute anwesend sind mit einem Memorandum of Understanding, das besagt, dass sie Abuja in ihre Route aufnehmen möchten, während sie auch die zweitgrößte Stadt in Algerien erhalten möchten, als Gegenleistung für die Fähigkeit, mit unserer lokalen Airline zu fliegen, und diese Stadt ist Oran.

He sagte auch: „We have insisted that for those who come to us for such an agreement, as one of the focal points of this administration is to protect our Local airline operators; protect their business, and to promote their business.“ We asked for reciprocity for our local operators, and they have happily accepted it.