Movie stars Olatayo Amokade, better known as Ijebu, and Mide Martins have had social media users buzzing. After a video of the two acting “Lovey Dovey” appeared online,
The married actress and Ijebu were seen in a fun mood in the video.
Ijebu shared the video on his verified Instagram account a few hours ago, and many of his fans and followers had a lot to say about it.
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The entertaining video appeared to be shot in a movie set, and both actors appeared to be having a nice time together.
Even though the video was shoot at a movie scene, many couldn’t help but drag Mide Martins’s husband into theย pictures
The video shared by Ijebu on his Instagram page has sparked numerous reactions from his family, friends, colleagues, fans and followers via liking and commenting underneath the post. Many of his followers gave opinion that suited the kind of video the talented actor shared.
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