On Sunday, March 19, 2023, a popular Nollywood actress took to social media to celebrate her son’s birthday and express how special he is to her. The movie star is overjoyed to be a mother, and she fondly recalls the day her son was born, stating that he changed the world from the moment he entered it. Although he has grown stronger and bigger than her, she emphasizes that he will always be her son, and she is proud of his accomplishments over the years.
Faithia expressed delight in observing her son’s increasing resemblance to her on a daily basis. She shared a triller photo featuring herself and her son, showcasing the beautiful bond they share.
Gossipinfo Recalled That Faithia Zenabu Williams and Saidi Balogun tied the knot on September 7, 2000, in Lagos. At the time of their wedding, Saidi had already accrued 22 years of acting experience while Faithia was just beginning her career in Nollywood. This marked Saidi’s second marriage, having previously been married to Sherifat Balogun with whom he had two children, Zinnat and Jamal. Faithia, on the other hand, had a daughter with her first husband, whose identity she did not disclose.
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Initially, the couple appeared to be in a harmonious relationship, and they welcomed their first child, Khalid, on July 11, 2002. They went on to have another child, a daughter named Aaliyah, born on April 3, 2005. Everything appeared to be going smoothly.