Ishola Tiago, popularly known as ‘Oyinbo Ibile,’ is a popular Tik-Toker who is currently making waves in the Nigerian entertainment business as a comedian. Despite the fact that Ishola Tiago is Portuguese, his local speech could mislead you about his true nationality.
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Isola Tiago was born to a Portuguese father and a Nigerian mother, according to study. At the age of ten, the Portuguese-Nigerian comedian went to Ibadan, Nigeria, where he learnt the native Yoruba accent. He was recently featured in a skit by Pastor Remote.
According to Report, Alaafin is the one who encouraged him to learn Yoruba.
I’d want to express my gratitude to my father, Dr. Lamidi Olayiwola Adeyemi ll, for his constant encouragement and advise in learning Yoruba from the moment I met him. Because of this Wonderful, Legitimate, Resplendent, and Excellent King, I am who I am today.