A few days after a story was published online that Nollywood actor, Damola Olatunji, was allegedly accused by his wife, Awoyemi Bukola, better known as “Bukola Arugba”, of being a deadbeat father, the Nollywood actor and his wife shared a post on their verified Instagram pages to debunk the rumor.
According to the news that went viral, the actress accused the actor of not being able to cater to their kids and how the actress’s friends advised her to quit her marriage to the actor.
They wrote:
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“Dear Heavenly Father, arrest vehemently, publicly disgrace bearers of fake news.”
According to them, nothing like this has ever happened ever since they got married a few years ago. The Nollywood actor also shared a picture of his wife on his Instagram page to prove to people that the story that was published about them was fake.