
Nigerian actor Yomi Fabiyi was recently seen socializing with three women, creating a joyful atmosphere as they posed for a photograph.


Subsequently, Fabiyi utilized his social media platforms to clarify his relationship status, emphasizing that he is currently single and available.


He captioned the photo with” I am UNAVAILABLE!”

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“I Can Never Fall In Love or Love Again”– Actor Yomi Fabiyi Says

Yomi Fabiyi, a well-known Nigerian actor, has opened up about his difficulty in finding love again. He explained that he has been hurt badly in the past, as many women tend to exploit his vulnerability easily. They offer false security and affection, only to reveal their true colors and discard him disdainfully when they achieve their goals.

As a result, Fabiyi has decided to distance himself from women in and out of the entertainment industry to reduce his drama and conflicts both online and offline. He has been targeted by cowardly and deceitful people who will do anything to accomplish their aims, even if it means using others. These people lack loyalty and functional memory, and they will destroy anyone who stands in their way.
