
Renowned comedian Ganiyu Kehinde, famously known as Ijoba Lande, recently utilized social media to honor his wife on her birthday. This gesture comes shortly after he publicly pleaded with her not to leave their shared home.

In a profoundly heartfelt tribute, the comic actor conveyed his eternal appreciation for having such an extraordinary woman as his life partner. He emphasized the unwavering strength and resilience that characterizes their unbreakable bond.


He wrote, ” Happy birthday from my heart to yours, my love. I’m forever grateful for having someone like you in my life. Thanks for everything my love 😍 😍😍 enjoy your day @ifedara9″

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The actor’s touching message garnered widespread admiration, with many showering the couple with love and well wishes on this special occasion. The public expressed their appreciation for Ijoba Lande’s transparency and vulnerability in acknowledging the importance of a strong and supportive partner.

Recalls that a few weeks ago, a video surface on social media showing Ijoba Lande and friends begging his wife not to pack out.

She was heard saying she’s tired of being with the comic actor.

Watch the video below:
