Itele, the Nollywood actor and movie producer, has announced his latest movie, KESARI, which is set to hit the cinemas soon. With this move, Itele is following in the footsteps of established Nollywood actors like Funke Akindele and Femi Adebayo, who have been able to carve a niche for themselves as Box office Kings and Queens.
In his announcement on Instagram, Itele also shared his experience of working with Funke Akindele and Femi Adebayo in their respective movies, Omo Ghetto and Agesinkole. He revealed that acting alongside these two talented actors challenged him in unique ways and helped him develop his acting skills.
According to Itele, working with Funke Akindele in Omo Ghetto The Saga, had him in the development of Ghetto dialogue and creating relatable steers Lamba. This experience helped him understand the nuances of the Ghetto culture and how to portray it effectively in his movies.
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On the other hand, acting with Femi Adebayo in Agesinkole elevated his acting acumen. This experience helped him understand the intricacies of acting and how to deliver compelling performances.
Through his experiences with these two actors, Itele emphasized the importance of being part of others’ successful endeavors and learning from them to grow. He believes that being open to learning and collaborating with others is essential for anyone looking to achieve success in their chosen field.
“When you make yourself available to be part of other People’s successful exploits, you are preparing yourself for more greatness too. You would learn and grow from the realities of others, that’s the trick.
I have been part of several productions in recent years. I can confidently say that @funkejenifaakindele Omo Ghetto The Saga.
And @femiadebayosalami Agesinkole really challenged me in a highly different manner. These two biggest movies of all time opened my inter mind to another level of dexterous creativity beyond words.
For Omo Ghetto The Saga, Funke Akindele had me on the development of Ghetto dialogue and creating relatable streets Lamba leading to being a part of the screenplay at the same time.
AGESINKOLE on the other hand further elevated my acting acumen for the big screen as well as being an integral part of the plot development process.
These experiences and more have shaped and prepared me bigger for what you are set to encounter in KESARI. Coming to the cinemas soon.
Your favorite ITELE is not stopping, we are topping charts soonest!!
Let’s make KESARI a hit”.