Kemi Ikuseedun, also known as Kemz Mama or Mummy Wa, a charismatic and hardworking female Nigerian skit maker, Instagram star, comedian, actress, content creator, and brand ambassador, has gotten the attention of her followers after she shared a new video of herself singing on her official Instagram page.
Looking at Kemz Mama’s new video, it’s clear that she likes boys, which she won’t deny because the world is full of good boys, and she wouldn’t mind having them by her side.
However, sharing the video, she wrote, ” Sweet Diamond
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Mummywa || Kemzmama || Kemi Ikuseedun.
Below are some of the screenshot from the video Kemz Mama posted.
As expected, some of her followers, including celebrities like, Debo Adedayo, popularly known as “Daddy Wa or Mr Macaroni”, Kie Kie and others reacted to the video