
A captivating video has emerged online, showcasing the unforgettable encounter between a voluptuous lady and the renowned singer, Portable, leaving viewers captivated by the intense reaction of the star-struck fan.


The video initially captured the exhilarating moment when Portable received a luxurious Mercedes Benz S350 convertible from a generous Real Estate Mogul, sparking jubilant celebrations among his team as they reveled in the excitement of the new acquisition


However, amidst the festivities, the spotlight shifted to a curvaceous lady whose overwhelming admiration for Portable stole the show.

Despite Portable’s status as a father of five with three different baby mamas, the enchanting lady found herself completely infatuated with the singer, unable to contain her excitement in his presence.

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As the encounter unfolded, the lady’s fervent admiration for Portable reached unprecedented heights, prompting the singer to enlist the assistance of those around him to help manage the overwhelming attention bestowed upon him by the enthusiastic admirer.

The video has since ignited a flurry of discussions online, with many viewers expressing their astonishment at the lady’s unabashed display of affection towards Portable, despite his existing family commitments.

Witness the unforgettable moment unfold in the video below:
