Bukola Awoyemi, a renowned Yoruba actress in the Nollywood industry, widely recognized as Bukola Arugba, recently celebrated her fellow colleague, Modupe Jayesimi, on her birthday. She took to her Instagram page to share delightful pictures of Dupe Jaiyesimi as a gesture of celebration for her special day. Bukola expressed her warm wishes for a joyful birthday and prayed that God would bless Modupe abundantly in this new chapter of her life.
The was seeing in the adorable pictures very excited with beautiful smiles on her face rocking beautiful different matching native outfits with beautiful head tie styles, poses for the camera in styles.
Module Jayesimi is a Veteran Nollywood Your a actress, Public figure, Wife, Mother, Filmmaker, Brand ambassador, and Brand influencer with a lot of followers on her page. She has been very active in her acting career over a decades.ย Module Jayesimiย is well known for her roles in Yoruba films such as Housewife, Mother-in-law, Villager, Mother,Comedy, and others. She is a good roles interpreter and has featured in several films.
Her colleagues, fans, and followers have also sent their birthday wishes to her.