
A Nigerian lady living abroad vented on social media when she arrived home to discover that her son, to whose guardian she had been providing money for his maintenance, appeared to have been abandoned.


The single mother said she works really hard abroad and sends all of her earnings home in order to make sure her young kid has a nice life here in Nigeria in a video she posted on social media mourning the circumstances she met her son in.


She apparently arrived in the area without telling the locals that she had left her little child in their care and was incredibly disappointed to find him in such a messy state.

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The youngster sported really ratty clothing and filthy slippers in the video.

Working very hard and sending all your money home only to find your child looking like this.” she captioned the video.

The clip has now gone viral and stirred quite a number of reactions from netizens. See some comments as you scroll.

@Sam_coolcat wrote, “They didn’t know you are coming else they will dress him like a prince.”

@user270, “Nobody and i say nobody can care for your child the way you’d wish to ,u just appreciate you’ve found them intact with a broken rib then clean them up”

@sinachbinyoh, “Don’t mind dear if he is alive and healthy thank God my own child is death I left just for 3year now I have to go back and visit my child at the grave”.

@Rita Rii, “I used to send money home but my mum never bought anything to my son ilikua inauma kuona dooh nimetuma yy anabuyia my brother”.