Nollywood actress, Nkechi Blessing Sunday has released a video of friends of her ex Opeyemi David Falegan calling him out for being fake, as she disputes his claim that she came to him for his money.
She also released a chat with him when he told her not to have any high expectations before they went into the relationship.
She further shared screenshots where people warned her that he is a “pedophile” and is into “juju” but she chose to give him a chance and prayed to God to show her who he really is.
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She said that while visiting him in London, she noticed he always chose to lay his bed himself. One day, she decided to lay the bed when he wasn’t there and saw a white cloth with a red cross on under the place where she’s been sleeping.
She said that when he told her not to have high expectations in the relationship, she had no idea that she would be the one ”feeding” him.
Nkechi also shared a post made by a friend of Opeyemi’s. The friend defended Nkechi and told Opeyemi off.
In another, she shared a video of two of Opeyemi’s friends talking about the time they discovered he’s living a fake life and has nothing.
She shared these to dispute the claim he made that Nkechi came for his money and for sex.
Watch Opeyemi’s friends call him fake in the video below.