Mimi Ubini, a popular Nollywood actress, has received a lot of positive feedback for her latest Instagram post in which she shared images of herself in honour of her birthday. Her most recent post featured photographs of herself in a swimsuit to celebrate her birthday. She has been looking forward to this moment for a long time, as she has been posting pre-birthday images of herself on Instagram, with her followers wishing her a happy birthday ahead of time.
In the images, she has nicely applied make-up and appears calm and relaxed. Her swimwear outfit is attractive on her, and it drew the eye of some of her Instagram followers, who instantly wished her a happy birthday after seeing the photographs. The actress, who is now outside of Nigeria, decided to calculate and celebrate her birthday using Nigerian time, which is why she stated that it is 12 a.m. in Nigeria.
She used her caption to notify her fans that it’s 12am in Nigeria and that it is time to celebrate her birthday. She said, “It’s 12am in Nigeria, so yeah happy birth to me.” After coming across her caption some people who have been eager to celebrate with her were quick to react to her photos where she was dressed up in swimwear outfit.
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The majority of the people who saw her photos reacted to her swimwear outfit by lauding her for looking gorgeous on her birthday, while others wished her a happy birthday and some had to react in different ways to the post.