
As she described her mother’s burial ceremonies, Nollywood actress Mary Lazarus wept bitterly about the Igbo culture’s habit of burying people.




Igbo funerals, according to the actress, are the most distressing because of their amusing demands. They were invited to recreate the song service in the village despite the fact that it had been held in Lagos and that additional events (Wake keep, burial, and thanksgiving) were to follow.

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Mary stated that on each of the event’s scheduled days, everyone in the town must eat, and those who don’t know you will want to milk you dry, while in her mother’s village, they will desire a plump cow.


She noted in a shared post that having a tranquil burial is difficult and that a poor guy might not be able to afford such excessive spending, which is concerning because the Igbo culture forbids burying their relatives outside their homes.

She expressed herself as follows:


The most stressful thing you’ll ever do is plan an Igbo burial. People who have never been a part of your life are demanding things they can’t afford and trying to milk you dry. Imagine being told that after performing Mumsy’s Service of Songs in Lagos, we had to do it again in the hamlet. The following is the order of events: Service of Songs, Wake Keep, Burial Day, Thanksgiving, and people must chop one of these four days o… “Oh you must offer Reverend food before the corpse gets to the church,” a woman said on the day of the burial. She began by mentioning… Rice, chicken, pork, beverages, peppersoup, and even Nkwobi were all served separately by Eba. How did you figure out we made all of these…


