Oluwakemi Adetoro Korede, a Nollywood actress, took to social media to post a short video with her father to commemorate Father’s Day. He was her bestie, gist partner, and life’s boo, she said. She was seen in the video having a good time and dancing with her father. Her adoring admirers have reacted positively to the video.
She is an award-winning actress, producer, film director, master of ceremony, mother, brand ambassador, and brand influencer with over one million Instagram followers who has had a significant impact on the Nigerian film industry. She began her career in the film industry around 16 years ago, landing her first role in the film “Omobewaji,” and has since been in a number of films. Kemi Korede is a dedicated and determined actress who excels at acting and role interpretation. She is stunning, adaptable, inventive, and a natural performer in a variety of roles.
She was shot into fame with her exciting role in the movie titled”Ile Olorogun” where she played the daughter of late veteran actor, Olumide Bakare and Yetunde Wunmi. She has starred in over 100 movies, and has also produced more than 10 movies which include the likes of Aboja, Current Alhaja, Arekereke, Afibi Solore, Ojo Iyi, and others. She is happily married and blessed with lovely children.
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