
Madam Saje, the renowned Nollywood actress, has demonstrated that she has no ill feelings towards Fali Werepe, also known as Modupe Johnson, despite their previous fall-out at a colleague’s birthday celebration in September. It is evident that the two actresses have now resolved their dispute.

On the occasion of Fali’s birthday, Fausat Balogun wrote a heartfelt message to her, emphasizing that she harbors no resentment towards her. Fausat referred to Fali as her lovely friend and showered her with prayers, while also expressing her unwavering love for her. Furthermore, she extended her warm congratulations to Fali on her new age and wished her success in all her endeavors.


โ€œHappy birthday to my lovely beautiful friend, Long life with good health, wealth, and happiness insha Allah. Congratulations on your new age, you will eat the fruit of your labor. Love you forever @faliwerepeโ€.

Actress Fausat Balogun affirms undying love for Fali Werepe as she marks birthday, months after they clashed
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