Eniola Ajao, a well-known Yoruba film actress, recently shared a photo on Instagram of her adorable twin sister. As they both celebrated their birthdays with their Instagram fans, she shared the Instagram post where she referred to her as her bestie. Most of her followers who read the message, including her film industry peers, were unable to conceal their emotions as they voiced their thoughts on her latest post in various ways.
She pleaded to God to continue to bless her and her twin sister and disclosed that God has been loyal to them for forty years. They both arrived wearing identical dresses that were stylish on them. Standing while taking the picture, they appeared happy and excited.
She captioned her post by saying, “Birthday babies.” celebrating four years of God’s faithfulness with my bestie from heaven, my twin sister. “May God continue to shower his utmost blessings on us.” This caption and her photo caught the attention of her fans, who reacted quickly to them.
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Actress Mercy Aigbe immediately reacted after reading her new post by wishing “Ejire mi” a happy birthday, while actress Esther Kale responded with “My beautiful twins, happy birthday.” These responses reveal how well-liked her new position is among her coworkers, as shown by their kind remarks.