Muka Ray, a Nollywood actor, took to Instagram to reveal fantastic outfit photographs from a movie set with renowned actor Ebun Oloyede, commonly known as Olaiya Igwe. Olaiya was seen in the photos crying hysterically while doing his comedic persona. His adoring admirers have reacted well to the photos he’s provided.
Lukmon Ebun Oloyede popularly known as Olaiya Igwe in the movies, is a veteranย Nollywood actor, movie producer, father, director, brand ambassador, and brand influencer. He รญs well known for his comic roles in most of the Yoruba movies he features. He has been in movie industry over 30 years ago where he acted on stage plays. He hails from Kenta, Oke-Ejigbo, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. He is one of the most talented veteran comic actors in the industry. He is creative, gifted, skilful, and exceptionally good at delivery of his comic roles in the Yoruba movies
Olaiya Igwe is no doubt a force to reckon with in the industry due to his unique talents and way of acting in movies. He has featured in several movies like Iku Lopin, Abela Pupa, Oga Olopa, Posi Alaye, Alase Aye, Mokalik, just to mention a few. He is happily married and blessed with lovely children.
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