Popular Yoruba Actress, Eniola Ajao has taken to her official social media handle to share gorgeous photos of herself. The light-skinned actress stuns in a beautiful outfit and gushes over herself. In the pidgin language, she said, “Buhari wife no do pass this one”. She stated that these are photos from her birthday shoots that she was unable to post.
These mouthwatering photos sparked reactions online as fans and celebrities admired her beauty. Top celebrities like Allwell Ademola, Adebimpe Akintunde, Aisha Lawal, Mercy Aigbe, and Babatunde Aderinoye have Sent love emojis.
Eniola Taiwo Florence Ajao aka Eniola Ajao is a renowned actress, filmmaker, producer, entrepreneur, certified accountant, writer, brand ambassador and brand influencer with 1.6 million Instagram followers.
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Eniola is one of the most successful actresses in the Yoruba movie Industry. She has been acting for over 10 years and has carved a niche for herself. She’s known for her unique acting skills and charisma.