
Maureen Esisi, also known as Mama Red or Red Vigor, has gotten a lot of people talking after releasing a romantic video with a bbnaija personality.

“This is Total Nonsense, Are You Trying to Pepper Your Ex Husband?” – Fans React To R0mantic Video of Actress Redvigor With Bbnaija Cross (Video)
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In honor of Valentine’s Day, the lovely actress took to her social media profile to share a romantic video with Bbnaija Cross, which has gotten internet fans buzzing.

“This is Total Nonsense, Are You Trying to Pepper Your Ex Husband?” – Fans React To R0mantic Video of Actress Redvigor With Bbnaija Cross (Video)
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“This is Total Nonsense, Are You Trying to Pepper Your Ex Husband?” – Fans React To R0mantic Video of Actress Redvigor With Bbnaija Cross (Video)
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“This is Total Nonsense, Are You Trying to Pepper Your Ex Husband?” – Fans React To R0mantic Video of Actress Redvigor With Bbnaija Cross (Video)
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Blossom and his former wife, Maureen Esisi, often known as Mama Red (Redvigor), divorced in 2019 after allegations of infidelity by his wife surfaced.
