
Certainly, here’s a rephrased version of the information you provided:


“In the context of a Yoruba traditional wedding, the bride price, also referred to as ‘Eru Iyawo’ or ‘Wọ́,’ holds a significant role in the marriage ceremony. The exact items and their quantities may differ based on the participating families and their personal choices.


Nevertheless, here is a compilation of typical items that might constitute the bride price for a Yoruba traditional wedding:

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1. Kolanuts (Obi): Kolanuts are traditionally offered as a gesture of respect. The quantity may vary, but it’s customary to present a few kolanuts.

2. Bible or Quran: Depending on the faith of the couple, a sacred book is often included to symbolize the spiritual dimension of the union.

3. Alcohol (Schnapps or Wine): Alcoholic beverages like Schnapps or wine are traditionally given as part of the ceremony.

4. Yam (Isu): Several yams may be included to symbolize fertility and prosperity.

5. Honey (Oyin): Honey is often included to represent the sweetness of the marriage.

6. Salt (Iyo): Salt signifies the importance of adding flavor to life.

7. Money (Cash): Cash, usually in Nigerian Naira, is a crucial component of the bride price. The specific amount may vary but should be discussed and agreed upon beforehand.

8. Jewelry and Clothing: The groom may present jewelry and clothing items like a headscarf (gele), beads, or a wrapper (iro) for the bride.

9. Shoes and Bags: These items may also form part of the bride price presented to the bride.

10. Adire Fabric: Adire, a traditional Yoruba fabric, might be included as a component of the bride price.

11. Broom (Iru Esin): A broom symbolizes cleanliness and the couple’s readiness to maintain a tidy and well-organized home.

12. Wristwatches: More modern additions to the list could encompass wristwatches and other accessories.

It’s essential to bear in mind that the specific items and their quantities can be subject to negotiation between the families and may be influenced by their economic circumstances and preferences. The bride price ritual is a cultural and symbolic tradition aimed at fostering goodwill and cementing the bond between the two families, rather than treating the bride as a commodity.”