Funke Akindele, a popular Nollywood actress, has responded to a recent social media post by her colleague, Mercy Aigbe. Mercy had taken to Instagram to express her frustration over the app’s tendency to remove followers. Funke Akindele shared that post on her own Instagram page, where Mercy can be seen pleading with the app to stop the removal of her followers. In her post, Mercy lamented about the situation and expressed her hope that the app would not add to her annoyance.
Who else is experiencing this??”.
Reacting, Funke Akindele stated that the app was using the followers to drink garri.
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“Dem dey use am drink garri”.
Mercy Aigbe isn’t the only celebrity who lamented over the frustrating act.
I have been stuck at 1.5 million Instagram followers for two years” IK Ogbonna cries out
Actor, Ikechukwu Mitchell Ogbonna had lamented over his Instagram followers.
The actor took to his Instagram page to question why he has been stuck at 1.5 million followers for over two years.
IK Ogbonna revealed that he had reported several times but got no response or feedback from the team.
Giving up, the actor disclosed his plans to open another account.
“Instagram got me stuck on 1.5 million followers for the past two years…
I have reported several times but no response
At this point, I might have to open another account.
@instagram what’s going on with my followers?
Things definitely not adding up
Guys any ideas on what to do???”.
Halima Abubakar calls out Instagram over stagnant 1 million followers
Before her illness, Halima Abubakar had called out Mark Zuckerberg, the owner of the Photos and Videos sharing app, Instagram.
Halima took to her Instagram stories to complain about how her followers have been stagnant for over a year.
The actress who trended online following her relationship with Apostle Johnson Suleman urged Zuckerberg to look into the issue to avoid accusing people.