Nollywood actress, Funke Akindele, recently explained the reason behind her decision to take a break from the micro-blogging platform, Twitter. In response to a fan’s inquiry, the actress revealed that the insults on the platform became too much for her, which led to her decision to quit.
Funke Akindele’s revelation highlights the negative impact of cyberbullying on social media platforms. Cyberbullying can have severe consequences, including affecting an individual’s mental health and well-being. The actress’s decision to take a break from Twitter is a reminder that it is essential to prioritize one’s mental health and take necessary steps to protect oneself from online harassment.
Funke Akindele’s decision to speak out about her experience on Twitter sheds light on the issue of cyberbullying and the need for individuals to be kind and respectful to one another online. It also highlights the importance of creating a safe and supportive online environment where everyone can express themselves without fear of judgment or harassment.
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The fan wrote, โMadam Funke Akindele I see youโฆ. Longest timeโฆyou run away for us Abi what happened?โ.
She replied, โDem too dey insult people on this App so I stay off. How are you?โ.
Recall that Toyin Abraham suffered a worse fate On Twitter as she was mercilessly dragged on social media.
Unlike Funke Akindele, Toyin Abraham stayed put on Twitter and gave it hot to her trolls.