
Men, if you believe you’ve completely understood women, brace yourself for some unexpected twists. Women are intricate individuals, and their behavior can be remarkably unpredictable. The person you think you know today may not be the same person you see tomorrow; and that’s just the way it is.


“Women yearn for attention, love, and a generous dose of it. They desire to feel seen and valued continuously. If you falter in this regard even once, you’re inviting potential issues.


While some women might inadvertently engage in behaviors that cause distress to their partners, others may intentionally plot to do so. They purposefully aim to wound your emotions and disrupt your life.

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Here are 10 deliberate actions women take to inflict emotional pain on their partners.

1. Complaining Despite Genuine Effort: Some women intentionally hurt their partners by complaining even when their significant others are genuinely trying. This behavior is often aimed at inciting a reaction, either to seek more attention or establish control within the relationship.

2. Not Being Present in the Moment: Frequently using a phone or being distracted during a date can be hurtful to a man’s feelings. It conveys disinterest or inattentiveness, potentially causing emotional distress or frustration. Some women opt for this rather than openly expressing their lack of interest.

3. Withholding Compliments: Certain women refrain from giving compliments even when their partners genuinely deserve them. This can undermine a man’s self-esteem or keep him constantly seeking validation, thereby asserting a sense of power.

4. Not Initiating Intimacy: Intentionally avoiding initiating intimacy, especially when aware of their partner’s desires, can be a way to manipulate the emotional dynamics in the relationship. This may lead to longing and frustration on the man’s part.

5. Hiding Things, Such as Food: Hiding items, like food, can be a manipulative tactic used to gain financial advantage. By creating a perception of scarcity, some women may attempt to extract more money from their partners.

6. Setting Him Up for Trouble: In extreme cases, women may involve others, such as authorities or gangs, to harm their partners as a form of punishment or to “teach them a lesson.” This can have severe consequences for all parties involved.

7. Taking Everything When Separating: A common occurrence, particularly in urban settings, is when a woman packs up and leaves the home without notice, taking everything with her. This action is often intended to leave the man feeling helpless, confused, and emotionally devastated.

8. Leaving a Young Child Behind: During intense disagreements, some women may leave a very young child, perhaps only a month or two old, with their partner. This action aims to assert control or inflict emotional pain, suggesting that the man needs her more than he realizes.

9. Taking All the Children Away: Without proper communication, some women may abruptly take all the children and leave, making it difficult for the man to maintain a relationship with his kids. This action is intended to exert power and control over the situation.

10. Disrespect in Front of Friends: In the presence of friends, some individuals may intentionally disrespect their partners. This behavior could be a way of seeking validation from friends, gaining support for their perspective, or demonstrating control over the relationship.